FEB 2025 | VERSION 1.7

About us

Who we are

Revizto is a Swiss-based company which launched coordination software for the architecture, engineering, construction & operation (AECO) industry in 2012 and quickly became the fastest-growing integrated collaboration platform. Using gaming technology and cloud solutions, Revizto provides a BIM collaboration platform for 2D and 3D workflows that enables users to work and communicate with all project stakeholders in a single, unified environment. The platform is used globally for real-time coordination, automated clash detection, and issue tracking throughout the lifecycle of building and infrastructure projects.

Revizto empowers teams to drive accountability, improve timelines, and maximize cost-savings by connecting contributors from across platforms, model types, and teams, from in-office, on-site, or any device. As a result, thousands of firms around the world are using Revizto to make better decisions and minimize rework.

About us


The name Revizto is derived from several Latin root words.

Re Repetition
Viz Visualization
Revisio Revision

Brand icon

One color

Brand icon

Full color

The brand icon is a square with rounded corners with a stylized image of a person inscribed in. The icon symbolizes integration and collaboration, with all its elements linking up in the center.

Check the background usage, exclusion zone, and small logo size before using the Revizto brand icon.

Download here

Brand icon

Exclusion zone

Vertical logo

One color

Vertical logo

Full color

The vertical logo is used only when the horizontal logo cannot fit into the layout.

Do not use the vertical logo with the copyline.

Do not use the vertical logo if the height is less than 36 pixels.

If the height of the vertical composition is less than 128 pixels, use the logo without the trademark sign.

Always use the logo files provided. Do not re-create.

Check the background usage, exclusion zone, and small logo size before using Revizto vertical logo.

Download here

Vertical logo


Vertical logo

Exclusion zone

Horizontal Logo

One color

Horizontal Logo

Full color

The Revizto logo is composed of the brand icon and a wordmark in a font based on PF Din Display Pro.

The horizontal logo is the primary logo and should be used in most instances. Avoid using it in small sizes, as it can become illegible.

Always use the logo files provided. Do not re-create the logo.

Check the background usage, exclusion zone, and small logo size before using Revizto full color logo.

Download here

Horizontal Logo


Horizontal Logo

Exclusion zone

Horizontal logo with copyline

One color

Horizontal logo with copyline

Full color

The logo with the copyline is composed of the horizontal logo and the copyline “Integrated Collaboration Platform” in full caps Roboto font.

Try to use only the full-color version of the logo. If you want to make it monochrome, use only black or white, depending on the brightness of the background.

Check the background usage, exclusion zone, and small logo size before using Revizto full color logo.

Download here

Horizontal logo with copyline


Horizontal logo with copyline

Exclusion zone


Small use

In small sizes less than 36 pixels tall, use only the horizontal logo without the copyline.

The minimum allowed height for the logo is 16 pixels.

The minimum allowed height for the brand icon is 16 pixels.

The minimum allowed height for printing the logo is 5mm.

The minimum allowed height for printing the brand icon is 5mm.


On backgrounds

The full-color identity should be used as a priority. The full-color logo should always be used in its original colors.

The company name and copyline can be inverted to white on a dark background.

The corporate logo is colored white along with the company name and copyline on a red background. In this instance, the inside of the corporate logo is inverted to the background color.

Avoid using full-color logos on photographs unless the logo sits on a dark or light area of the image.

On a light background, use the full-color logo with the company name and copyline.
On a dark background, use the full-color logo with the company name and copyline inverted to white.
On light-colored photos, use the full-color logo with the company name and copyline.
On dark-colored photos, use the full-color logo with the company name and copyline inverted to white.

Try to use only the full-color version of the logo. If you want to make it monochrome, use only black or white, depending on the brightness of the background.

If the logo is illegible on a colored background, use a monochrome version in black or white which contrasts with the background.

On a red background, use the one-color logo inverted to white.
On a dark multi-colored background, use the one-color logo inverted to white.
On a light multi-colored background, use the one-color logo in black.


Misuse of logo

Do not crop the logo
Do not distort the logo
Do not change the transparency of the logo
Do not use drop shadows or any other effects
Do not shuffle colors
Do not re-create the logo using any other typeface
Do not use different colors
Do not outline the logotype
Do not change the size or position of the icon and logotype
Do not rotate any part of the logo

Color Palette

Primary colors

Pure white
CMYK: 0/0/0/0
RGB: 255/255/255
CMYK: 0/100/100/0
RGB: 237/28/36
Rich black
CMYK: 0/0/0/100
RGB: 0/0/0

Color Palette

Secondary colors

Dark grey
CMYK: 0/0/0/75
RGB: 63/63/63

Light grey
CMYK: 0/0/0/19
RGB: 206/206/206

RevUP grey
CMYK: 7/5/0/128
RGB: 109/116/128


Primary fonts

The primary Revizto fonts are Roboto and Roboto Condensed in all variations. This font family is also used by Revizto in marketing for both headlines and body text.

You can download primary fonts from Google Fonts.


Primary fonts in use


Secondary fonts

The Barlow family of fonts is used as the secondary font for the creation of RevUP conference content and for Revizto marketing purposes.

You can download secondary fonts from Google Fonts.


Secondary fonts in use

Download links

One-color logo

Download links

Full-color logo

Download links

For black background

Download links

For red background


Brand icon

The use of only the brand icon is allowed in cases where it is conceptually necessary or the use of the name is impossible.

Ensure that the design is not distorted when it is applied to different types of materials. Make sure that the company information is clear and visible. Always verify that the design and quality meet the brand book requirements before ordering or mass production.