How to maximize BIM impact? 

The Top 5 BIM Adoption Challenges

The introduction of Building Information Modelling (BIM) technology into the construction industry has impacted many standard building benchmarks and parameters, from project quality, profitability, productivity and more. Transitioning from traditional processes to BIM can be easier said than done, but the returns are worth it. BIM can lead to improved project timelines, cost savings, and many other enhanced metrics. However, there are a few common challenges that we have identified that can affect the speed of and impact of BIM within construction companies and on sites.

Download now to:

  1. Avoid clashes and constant reworking
  2. Reduce projects delays to a minimum
  3. Improve building quality
  4. Increase profits and mitigate risks
  5. Ease post-construction facility management

How to maximize BIM impact? The introduction of Building Information Modelling (BIM) technology into the construction industry has impacted many standard building benchmarks and parameters, from project quality, profitability, productivity and more. 2022-03-24T14:42:54+00:00
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