Viewing BIM at the Beginning Part 2: Addressing the Problem

David Gomez, Implementation Service Manager – Construction
Address the real problem!
Project teams typically gain exposure to coordinated models in one of a few siloed options, from trade clash meetings, simple viewers, or with the help of a VDC engineer that navigates through issues for them. However, these more traditional VDC behaviors create information bottlenecks and drastically impact project teams performance.
Integrated Collaboration (Recap Summary)
As mentioned in PART 1 of this blog series, the Revizto platform is a truly Integrated Collaboration Platform (ICP). Integrated collaboration allows different roles within project teams to hold conversations and correspondence of accountable issues in real-time while referring to multiple file types of project related information in an easy to understand format, regardless of the persons’ physical location. Revizto, being easily deployable during any phase of a project will allow teams to build more efficient habits around collaboration while remaining in-sync on common issues throughout a project. This will provide greater benefits in preventing re-work, wasted time and money, and also highlight a higher quality of a project at handover. With the help of our Integration Managers, successful implementation will allow all roles to understand the true value of BIM better.
The Second Process – Site Analysis
Previously recapping on the pt. 1 of this blog series, we discussed the benefits of creating an environment in Revizto that enables early involvement with project leadership within a Revizto project. By capturing site logistics within the tool and creating a bulletin for incoming teams allows leadership a new platform of project management capturing critical preconstruction, active construction, and trade coordinated information all in an easy to understand interface.
After site logistics have been finalized and posted, site analysis can begin. With the help of a Revizto project administrator. The involvement of leadership, field engineers, reality capture technicians, and VDC experts can now be invited to begin building the next environment of existing conditions. By incorporating the use of a drone, point-cloud, and civil data within the Revizto project, project teams will be able to assess and plan accordingly before groundbreaking. This can apply to new construction or renovation projects.
In a traditional setting, project teams tend to use various segmented programs like CAD Civil 3D, Revit, ReCap, or other point-cloud and drone viewers along with 2D documents to communicate over a select few meetings across roles and departments which can result in miscommunication, lack of efficiency, and time wasted.
Within Revizto, once all site data has been gathered project teams can incorporate 2D civil topography, drawings, and project-related information and combine it within the 3D environment. This in turn will allow teams to reference and visualize issues in greater context within the issue tracker where communication occurs at times, similar to the site logistics process in part 1 of our blog.
Within the site analysis workflow in Revizto project teams can engage in preemptive planning. Foreseeing any potential issues such as communicating changes of elevation compared with the location of concrete building pads for new construction projects. Or utilizing issue stamps within a point cloud to markup areas to be demoed for renovation projects notifying the appropriate design teams if last-minute changes should occur. These are only a few of many use cases that are possible and that occur today with our customers.
Capturing site issues in Revizto with project teams is the second task to complete. Utilizing a site analysis workflow and referencing a previously created logistics plan all within Revizto will allow all information to sync across teams and have issues captured well before groundbreak. This will enable project teams to set a better stage for virtual trade coordination, and for project leadership to better understand the environment they have been building within Revizto from the beginning, which will be discussed in the following section of this construction blog.