Noticias septiembre 09, 2020
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Democratizar el BIM para la industria de la construcción

What basic problems are you solving with your software?

If you look at the discombobulation of communications of the construction industry—on some projects they’re using Google Drive Drobox, Navisworks, text messages and screen shots from the field. Revizto pulls all of that info into a real time communication platform.

What kinds of projects are customers using your software for?

Revizto is used on all project sized from custom homes to the largest stadiums in the country like the Clippers, Rams and Raiders stadiums, which we are working on. Those teams are finding the tool useful.

Stadiums, airports and other large jobs are finding Revizto useful, but why?

Ensuring the project stays on time and on budget, it also helps to manage the risk they have. The complexity of the problem [of such a project] calls for it.

The full article is available by link >>>

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Democratizar el BIM para la industria de la construcción - Revizto ¿Qué problemas básicos está resolviendo con su software?Si nos fijamos en la discordancia de comunicaciones del sector de la construcción, en algunos proyectos están utilizando Google Drive Drobox, Navisworks, mensajes de texto y capturas de pantalla desde el campo. Revizto reúne toda esa información en una plataforma de comunicación en tiempo real. 2023-11-14
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