Case Studies 24 2 月, 2015

How Revizto helped White Arkitekter Pioneer Interactive Visualization in the Swedish Market

Have you ever dreamed of a magic tool that, once applied to your workflow, would become a real competitive virtue? It appears that Revizto could be such a tool. According to Steven Rowland from a Swedish company White Arkitekter AB, Revizto helped them to pioneer interactive visualization in the Swedish market. By being applied to team-to-team and team-to-client communications, Revizto constituted the company's major advantage. See Steven's full story below for insight into the little revolution he made in his visualization world! Discovering Revizto I first discovered Revizto at the Revit Technology Conference 2014 in Dublin. There were several classes that highlighted game engine based technology so I wanted to see what the buzz was about. In Revizto's class that Arman Gukasyan delivered, I immediately was able to see the potential for our work on hospital design. Hospitals are a very complex building type, and having better tools to communicate our design to our clients would be a major advantage. I was also excited by the possibility of being among the first to take interactive visualization into the Swedish market in a big way. Views on Revizto Revizto has been quickly adopted at all levels of the design process to give our designers, managers and clients an easy window into the BIM models. We use it to share the spatial qualities of our designs, and simplify the communication of complex rooms and functions in a way that drawings can't do. Revizto allows us and our clients to interactively feel what it is like to be in the spaces we are designing. Revizto is focused on the process of design and communication, rather than high-end visualizations. The focus on user-friendly UI is very important, as we can confidently share the model with our clients, who tend to be beginners with 3D tools. Internally we also have some architects, project managers and engineers who are less tech-savvy, and giving them a simple visualization tool is great. If I can take some liberties to suggest some changes, I would say that the improvements we need are all about rooms. Room objects are the most important centers of information in our workflow, and having passive awareness of the room objects while in Revizto is the improvement I am looking forward to most. Also it would be great to have a way to save and quickly add email addresses for sharing the models. Some kind of saved lists would be nice.

How Revizto helped White Arkitekter Pioneer Interactive Visualization in the Swedish Market Have you ever dreamed of a magic tool that, once applie […] 2023-12-07
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