Glossary October 08, 2020
Updated 18 January 2024 by James Ocean
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Top 10 benefits of BIM

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BIM is being incorporated in many projects around the world by both large and small companies, and rightfully so. As adoption continues, companies continue to see additional benefits of BIM, all of which are vital to the success and maximizing productivity throughout a project.

What is BIM?

BIM (building information modeling) is a process by which construction companies create and manage all of the construction and project information. This process includes the building information model and the digital description of the building plans or assets. Unlike the traditional building modeling process, this modern, digitized process enables stakeholders to select and view accurate building information that helps the builders or and stakeholders optimize their actions. This brings greater value for the assets/projects.

The modern world is dynamic, and it continues to change, day in and day out. The way we compute, store, and manage information has changed, ushering in a complete digital revolution in the construction industry. BIM, to simply put it, is a way of working that more accurately manages and models information in a team environment. Through the efforts of construction workers leveraging BIM technology, unique values are created and attached to individual project assets.

The BIM software marketplace is relatively saturated with tools that include similar features and functions. However, most of these tools, when leveraged correctly, can save firms money and increase productivity, etc. Multiple studies conclude that over 61% of construction companies using BIM processes and tools experience fewer construction errors.

The BIM process is most commonly used in large and small construction industries such as the architectural sector, engineering sector, and the construction sector.

What are the benefits of BIM?

Now all this begs the question, what are the actual benefits of BIM? The benefits of using BIM tools and processes can never be exaggerated. Apart from the fact that it enables construction companies to execute error-free projects, the benefits seem to be endless, but here are a few of the most noticeable one:

  1. More accurate and streamlined planning
  2. Full project visualization
  3. Higher-quality output
  4. Reduced errors and rework
  5. Reduced the delay in completing a project
  6. Easy, real-time access to building information
  7. Improved communication across teams
  8. Better cost assessments
  9. Ability to monitor changes
  10. Lowers risks and costs to execute projects
  11. Early identification and mitigation of clashes
  12. Monitor and track progress during construction
  13. Increase productivity, efficiency and accountability
  14. Improve occupational safety and health.
  15. Competitiveness – better projects and more bids.

Let us discuss the top 10 BIM benefits in detail.

Makes planning more precise

Unlike the traditional method of using computer spreadsheets, BIM helps collect and automate construction information from the model. This means that manual works that often include human error are replaced by automated data generation. Here are some common instances of how BIM helps in daily construction:

  • It helps extract or export material information from types of material needed, quality, quantity and length, all from the 3D model.
  • It also helps accurately determine cost estimation. This is generally derived from the list of materials, and other information that is on the model.
  • The expenses and the necessary payments during construction are also determined using BIM tools and processes.

Early detection of a collision

No matter how good a model looks, there is still a chance that it is not accurate to reality. This means that while the construction model may look perfect, site conditions will ultimately be the one to verify it. This is exactly where the BIM comes in. BIM helps flush out flaws in the model – flaws such as potential clashes between the electrical cables, sewer pipes, etc.

Project visualization

This benefit of BIM refers to project presentation. There are times when clients sketch how he/she wants their building project to look like, but at times, the design concepts in their drawings are often unclear, even to the most qualified employees. BIM enables the creation of 3D models for easy visualization, making the presentation easier.

Higher-quality work

To produce a high-quality construction project, a well synchronized and reliable model is needed. This can be achieved if construction workers collaborate with the developers distributing the BIM tools so that the whole project can be viewed in real-time, and be better executed.

Access to building information is made easy

As people now store information on cloud servers, the era of storing information or documents in a local disk is gone. The main reason why cloud storage is more compelling is due to the fact that the building information stored can be accessed in any part of the world by authorized personnel. Not only this, but it also helps store data indefinitely, thereby preventing data loss.

Reduction in errors and the delay in completing a project

By using BIM tools, there is a massive reduction in the number of errors in models and on the construction site. Errors occur when design offices transfer 3D models through more manual processes, such as the use of paper. BIM eliminates these issues by digitizing the information and data transfer process.

Low risk and cost in executing the projects

A recent study has shown that almost 75% of construction companies leveraging BIM have seen major cost-savings. For example, by reviewing the project at an early stage, they are able to reduce the number of unused building materials and avoid wastage. Many have also found that BIM also helps to reduce labor expenses.


It should not come as a surprise that the companies with more innovative ideas and skills get hired more frequently. BIM technology is not an innovation fo the future; it is already here. The adoption of BIM within construction companies is increasing and is being used as a differentiator in the industry due to the benefits throughout the project lifecycle, including post-construction and facility management.

Increase in productivity

Productivity in the building sector has increased over the years since the introduction of the BIM process and accompanying software. The increase in productivity has been made possible by automating tasks, introducing new technology into the industry, and the expansion of BIM practices and competency.

Improves occupational safety and health(OSH)

Although it’s important to build, it is also vital that you build safely. Before venturing into any building projects, the safety of the workers should always take precedent. BIM can also help in occupational safety and health. Before undertaking a difficult task, a risk and job safety analysis (JSA) is generally required.


The numerous benefits of BIM have made the use of its tools a necessity for big and small construction companies. Not only does it help to detect errors in a building model, but it also guarantees success and better outcomes on any construction project. It is indeed a technological evolution in construction.

About the author
James Ocean

BIM/VDC Specialist. James Ocean is Head of BIMspiration at Revizto and keeps everything moving onwards and upwards. From supporting and teaching our internal team as well as our clients, James shows us the ins-and-outs and how to best leverage Revizto to maximize workflows, cut costs, and get all types of projects through the finish line.

Technically Reviewed by Aleksandr Yeghiazaryan
Aleksandr Yeghiazaryan

Aleksandr Yeghiazaryan is the Product Marketing Manager at Revizto, a cloud-based collaboration software platform designed for Building Information Modeling (BIM) collaboration. Founded in 2008, Revizto’s software technologies have been utilized by various organizations, including the City of Barcelona and the Organizing Committee for the XXII Olympic Winter Games.

Alex began his marketing career in 2017 at PUBLIQ, where he was responsible for managing content marketing campaigns globally. In 2021, he joined Revizto as a Marketing Content Leader and was later promoted to the role of BIM/AEC Tech Evangelist. Since 2024, he has been overseeing all of Revizto’s web content, ensuring that it aligns with the latest trends in AEC, complies with local BIM regulations, and more. Notably, Alex is also Revizto Certified, underscoring his expertise in the platform.

Alex is an alumnus of Quantum College, where he earned a degree in Mathematics. He was the winner of the British English Olympics in 2014 and has played a significant role in organizing and participating in six European Youth Parliament events. Besides his professional achievements, Alex is a skilled pianist and occasionally holds concerts.

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Top 10 benefits of BIM The construction sector has ushered in the use of BIM tools and processes to bring forth greater project value to teams. Bringing greater value is ambiguous but can be translated as providing more advantages. For your convenience, this post contains the meaning and benefits of BIM. 2024-01-18
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